Our D365 online training platform contains more than 1,200+ micro-courses, 70+ learning paths, and 140+ assessments across a dozen functions. All training content is created, managed, and supported by Microsoft Certified Trainers.

Whether you are interested in finance management, supply chain management, or commerce (retail) management, you can join dozens of customers using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Training to train thousands of users. You can listen to their Dynamics 365 training insights and learn from their experiences.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Training - TDI Logo
I would wholeheartedly recommend anybody that is thinking about doing a D365 upgrade or implementation to consider IBI as their change management and training partner.
— Stacie Kritz, PMO Director, TD Industries
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Training Friedmans Logo
With 100% confidence, we would not be able to train as many people in the short period of time we had, to the level we have trained them, without IBI.
— Eric Riley, Training Manager, Friedman’s Home Improvement

You can get unlimited access to all the courses anytime and anywhere at your convenience. Courses are role-based, fun, and engaging. The platform is intuitive, fast, scalable and the most cost-effective training solution in the market. Please check out the top ten reasons why Dynamics 365 customers chose our Dynamics 365 training platform.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Training On Running Logo
I absolutely recommend the IBI platform because of the flexibility it provides, the relevance of its content, and the excellent partnership.
— Agnes Simay, Head of Customer Service Europe, On Running
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Training Aubainerie Logo
Using the IBI Platform was the best thing – especially the quality of the content, the easiness of the platform, and the accessibility of the IBI team.
— Patrick Pichette, Business Analyst, Aubainerie

Whatever your job role is, whether you are a learner, manager, trainer, or executive, our Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Training platform can help you achieve your D365 training goals.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Training DECIEM Logo
It was very easy to work with IBI and they have been close collaborators in the process of training our team.
— Adelle D'Silva, Sr. Project Manager, DECIEM
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Training Patagonia Logo
IBI learning platform is helping our users get prepared for testing. IBI team is very responsive and always looking for feedback on ways to improve the tool.
— Liv Landblom, Director of Project Management, Patagonia

You can deploy Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Training at different stages of your D365 project - at the start, in the middle, or at the end. Besides using our standard training content, you can work with us to develop your custom training content as well.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Training eCommerce Outdoors Logo
We are new to D365 and have been seeking a platform to train our workforce properly. We have found our solution with Item by Item.
— Patrick Gill, CEO, eCommerce Outdoors
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Training BioWorld Logo
I love the flexibility of online training. What IBI provided for us was very convenient, especially for a fast-paced environment like ours.
— Cindy Russo, Customer Experience Manager, Bioworld

Our Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Training solution is also available at Microsoft Azure Marketplace.